After rainy Tuesday the weather got much better – I had
couple of showers during Wednesday , while they were minor. Yesterday I drove
into high pressure area and – as promised by wethaer specialists – I shouldn’t
get wet until I fly out from USA.
Wednesday ws just a driving day – I left West Virginia and
thru Pensylvannia and Ohio reached Indiana for the night.
Yesterday, after just
2 hours, I reached Illinois – but instead of going to Chicago I detour west and
got once again on Route 66. I manager to see some nice places and this
confirmed that driving whole Route 66 remains as my future plan.
When I saw this sign I realzied I drove around USA !
Historic station in Springfiled,
Antique gas pump in Williamsville
Route 66 museum in Pontiac
Gas station in Odell
Gas station in Dwight
Jutro przed odlotem napiszę też ostatni wpis na blog – u, aby symbolicznie zakończyć moją podróż.
Podróż, która na długo zostanie w mojej pamięci J
Środa, 14 sierpnia: 450 mil / 724 km, od początku 12 465 mil / 20 056 km
Czwartek, 15 sierpnia: 287 mil / 462 km, od początku 12 752 mil / 20 518 km
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