It is stillMonday evening for me – which is just the right time to summarize last two days of my trip. Each of tchem has something special – hae a look here.
Yesterday, on Sunday, I was driving…and that was it. My original plan for the trip covered such days when distance is going to be big – and this is when I plan to use Interstates (high speed roads in USA). I used I-90 and in 8 hours manager to get thru 900 km. In this time I came from Wisconsin, going thru Minnesota and finally reaching South Dakota.
Entering 3rd
state on my trip
Break on the way –
most important in shadow and with a lot of water.
Entering South
Dakota. Interesting here is state law saying 1 of each 5 miles has to be
perfect streight – as it might be used as emergency laning lane.
Forced brake
under a bridge. The wind w stoo strong to drive and keep in line.
In South Dakota one neter new time zone (Mountain) while the time border is not following state bordelines. Based on this my GPS was believeing time travelling is possibe (current time is in top left corner).
Hmm, 62 mils do destination,
reaching at 18.51 - cool, although now it’18.58 ;-)
Due to yesterday longer then planned trip, I was counting on spending more time in Badlands National Park. Unfortunatelly weather was not in line with me – since morning I was just running away from rain. The sune come over at the end of park, while dark clouds were still behind me.
Badlands – when sun
is up, coloures on rocks are easier to recognize.
Due to above I changed plans – and approached another park, Wind Cave NP. where I joined an underground cave trip. You can such interesting formations like these below:
I’m not expert in
geology, while rnger explained this is negative of cracks presented in rocks.
Entering 2nd park
during my trip.
Same sign from
other side - both parks are connected – and I will explore more tomorrow.
This is just the beginning and your trip looks awesome!!!! Stay safe and enjoy the beauty of the U.S.A.